Late April Update

Late April Update  Main Image

30 April 2024

On Sunday, I was proud to march in solidarity with thousands of Canberrans alongside the Prime Minister and Minister for Social Services at the No More: National Rally Against Gender Based Violence.

For decades now, we have been arguing for an end to men’s violence against women and children and it goes without saying that I look forward to a day when we don’t have to march anymore.

To put it plainly, one life touched by violence is one too many. This is a national crisis.

While it won’t be solved overnight or by one government alone, I can assure you that this government is absolutely committed to doing all that we can to end the violence against women that is so deeply embedded in our community.

The Prime Minister has convened a special National Cabinet with all State and Territory leaders tomorrow to discuss this incredibly important issue. I will keep you posted on the outcomes of that meeting later in the week.


BUDGET 2024-25

It's only a few weeks now until the Prime Minister, Treasurer and I deliver the Albanese Labor Government's third budget.

While we are putting the final touches on the budget, we got a positive report card on our budget management strategy from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that I wanted to share with you.

The IMF announced we are now ranked 2nd in the world for budget management, up from 14th last year.

Our responsible approach to budget management means that we are taking the pressure off inflation while supporting Australians through a tough cost of living period.

Despite the substantial progress we have made, we know it will take more than a single budget or single term to clean up the mess left behind by the Coalition.

As Finance Minister, I'm committed to building on the job of budget repair so we can continue to deliver the reforms that Australia needs, like paying super on paid parental leave and delivering a tax cut for every Australian taxpayer.


I know how important our local environment is to the Canberra community. We are proud of our standing as the 'Bush Capital' but we can't take it for granted. We need to protect it.

That's why the Albanese Labor Government has announced the second stage of the Nature Positive Plan by creating the first national Environmental Protection Agency ( !

These changes will better protect the local Canberra environment, while supporting sensible development.

They will deliver stronger environment powers, faster environment approvals, and more environment information and transparency.

This will ensure that Canberra's local environment remains a national treasure in the heart of the nation.


ICYMI: The Prime Minister recently gave a major speech outlining our plans for A Future Made in Australia.

The global race for new jobs and new opportunities is on and our government wants Australia to be in it to win it.

That’s why we won’t be an observer or a spectator – we will be a participant, a partner, an investor and enabler.

A new Future Made in Australia Act will bring together all our work and drive a practical strategy for Australia, including Canberra, to seize on opportunity.

We want to drive investment in new industries that will create secure jobs for working Australians and encourage more manufacturing here.

This is about giving local businesses and communities every possible opportunity to grow and thrive.

This is an amazing initiative and I can't wait to share more on it in the coming months.

There's plenty more going on but I didn't want to bombard you with too much info about all the good things we're up to at the moment in one email! But I'll be in touch with another update soon.

In the meantime if there is anything that I or my team can help you with or an announcement that you'd like more information about, don't hesitate to get in touch.

Til next time,
