Channel 7 - Sunrise TV Interview Transcript Tuesday 14 January 2025

14 January 2025



SUBJECTS: President Trump relationship; Australia Day.

EDDY BARTHOLOMEW, HOST: Joining me now is Finance Minister Katy Gallagher live in Hobart. Morning to you, Katy. Would you be there below the stairs of Air Force One ready to welcome Donald Trump here to Australia?

SENATOR THE HON KATY GALLAGHER, MINISTER FOR FINANCE: Well, of course that’s a bit above my pay grade. Of course, the US is our closest ally, strongest friend, important economic and strategic partner. The PM has already had and was one of the first to have discussions with President-elect Trump, and we’ve got the Foreign Minister heading over there for the inauguration. So as you would expect, these discussions, the alliance, the relationship, will continue between both leaders, I’m very confident of that.

BARTHOLOMEW: You look at the purse strings, though – I mean, King Charles’ visit cost about a hundred grand a day, are we equating it with that? I’m sure security is a bit more. Do you reckon there’s an appetite to have him here and taxpayers foot the bill?

GALLAGHER: Look, I think in general, we don’t look at state visits – wherever those dignitaries, visiting dignitaries, come from – as a cost. We don’t weigh it up from that point of view because face-to-face relationships are important. We have many, we’ve had many state visits. They’re an important part of our relationships with other countries. But again, with the incoming President Trump, I have no doubt there will be very close engagement between both administrations as you would expect between our closest ally.

BARTHOLOMEW: Very quickly, was there any discussion about Anthony Albanese going to the inauguration? As you mentioned, the Foreign Minister’s going, Kevin Rudd’s going, our ambassador?

GALLAGHER: Well, as I understand it, I think invitations have come from the administration themselves and I think it’s foreign ministers from the Quad have been invited for the first time to a president’s inauguration – so I think those invitations have been accepted and Penny Wong is absolutely thrilled to be going and being a part of that important event in the US.

BARTHOLOMEW: I bet, historic day. Moving on, Peter Dutton says if he were elected Prime Minister, he would force all councils to hold citizenship ceremonies on Australia Day – so, eliminating a rule your government started allowing it to be held on either the days before or after January 26. What do you think your electorate in the ACT would think about this?

GALLAGHER: We don’t have councils in the ACT, but we do have a lot of citizenship ceremonies throughout the year. We have obviously big events on Australia Day as the nation’s capital. Really important events. And I hope Peter Dutton is able to attend the national citizenship ceremony in the ACT. I’ve been attending that for years and I’m not sure I’ve seen him there, but that’s a very important one for the national celebrations. Canberra’s a host of a very important acknowledgement of Australia Day on the 26th and that’s as you would expect it to be. It’s our important national day.

BARTHOLOMEW: So different, isn’t it, from different parts of the country, what people think about this debate and it’ll continue for the next couple of weeks. Thank you so much for joining us, Katy Gallagher, there in Hobart.